Physical Activities
Fine motor: Drawing, colouring, writing over dotted letters, finger gym play dough play, these all increase your child’s fine motor finger muscles and pincer grip for later writing. Cutting, moving towards cutting straight lines and circles. All of the above also increase your child attention span. Moving towards sitting for longer periods of time with activities that interest them.
Opening and closing their own lunch boxes reinforces independence, good self-esteem and school readiness.
Gross motor: Walking and running on whole foot. Working towards negotiating their space safely without hurting themselves and others. Enjoying different movements like hoping, jumping, running and catching and throwing balls.
Confident age appropriate self care: Working towards staying dry throughout the day and looking after their own toileting needs. Washing hands after every toilet visit. Understanding when they need the toilet, when are hungry or full and when they are tired. Start to understand the need for healthy food and try or taste new things.